티스토리 뷰
순번 |
명칭 |
설명 |
범주 |
1 | Bibliographic Ontology |
The Bibliographic Ontology describe bibliographic things on the semantic Web in RDF. This ontology can be used as a citation ontology, as a document classification ontology, or simply as a way to describe any kind of document in RDF. It has been inspired by many existing document description metadata formats, and can be used as a common ground for converting other bibliographic data sources. |
도서 |
2 | Amazon Ontology | 아마존 웹서비스, 도서, 음악 |
3 | DOLCE Ontology | a Descriptive Ontology for Linguistic and Cognitive Engineering | |
4 | Resource List Ontology | The Resource List ontology describes collections of Items grouped together in Sections and explicitly ordered. Items refer to resources, currently bibo:Documents. The ontology subclasses SIOC for Container and Item relationships as well as providing additional properties for explicit ordering and optimisations for retrieving deeply structured Lists. The Resource List ontology is intended for use describing academic reading lists, bookmarks, bibliographies and similar structured collections of references. | 도서 |
5 | MUSEUMFINLAND Ontology | 상호이질적인 핀란드의 박물관 데이터베이스로부터 소장품을 웹에 공개하기 위해 온톨로지를 활용 | 박물관 |
6 |
Music Ontology | The Music Ontology is an attempt to link all the information about musical artists, albums and tracks together, from MusicBrainz to MySpace. The goal is to express all relations between musical information in order to help people find anything about music and musicians. It is based around the concept of machine readable information provided by any web site or web service on the Web | 음악 |
7 | Travel Ontology | SWAT 프로젝트의 여행 온톨로지 | 관광 |
8 | SNOMED | SNOMED describes diagnoses, procedures, and the necessary anatomy, biological process and the relevant organisms that cause disease for over 400,000 distinct concepts. | 의학 |
9 | Vehicle Sales Ontology | The Vehicle Sales Ontology is a Web vocabulary for describings cars, boats, bikes, and other vehicles for e-commerce. The vocabulary is designed to be used in combination with GoodRelations, a standard vocabulary for the commercial aspects of offers for sale, rental, repair, or disposal. | 교통, 상업 |
10 | Movie Ontology | The movie ontology MO aims to provide a controlled vocabulary to semantically describe movie related concepts such as Movie, Genre, Director, Actor and individuals such as “Ice Age”, “Drama”, “Steven Spielberg” or “Johnny Depp”. The Web Ontology Language (OWL) is used to specify the MO ontology. Several other ontologies that are provided in the Linked Data cloud are considered and integrated to highly couple the MO ontology with the Linked Data cloud to take advantage of synergy effects. | 영화 |
'J:::SemanticWeb' 카테고리의 다른 글
J_8. TBC에서 JENA RULE 적용하기 (0) | 2012.12.27 |
J_7. TOPBRAID COMPOSER에서 제공하는 INFERENCE ENGINES (0) | 2012.12.27 |
J_5. SPIN(SPARQL Inference Notation) (0) | 2012.05.07 |
J_4. OWL2 세미나 자료 (0) | 2012.04.30 |
J_3. RDF (0) | 2012.04.26 |
최근에 올라온 글
최근에 달린 댓글
- Total
- Today
- Yesterday
- cypher
- Ontology
- networkx
- django
- property graph
- 사이퍼
- Linked Data
- stardog
- 스프링부트
- Knowledge Graph
- 트리플
- Thymeleaf
- Neo4j
- sparql
- rdfox
- 장고
- pyvis
- 지식그래프
- 그래프 데이터베이스
- 타임리프
- 지식 그래프
- 온톨로지
- 트리플 변환
- neosemantics
- RDF 변환
- TopBraid Composer
일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
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16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 |
30 | 31 |
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